AmigaActive (1422/2143)

From:Adam Eccleshall
Date:20 May 2000 at 20:45:53
Subject:Re: Frontier: Elite 2


Simon Preston wrote:
> > Does anyone know any decent Frontier: Elite 2 websites or guides or
> > anything? There has got to be a better way to make money than earning a
> > measly four credits per journey selling Water and Grain and stuff to Ross
> > 154...
> :) Hahahaha. You haven't tried a Panther Clipper then I take it? :)
> There are ways...
> Ah well. Try this, make sure your little ship is full of fuel and fly to
> the Ceimess system. (Its somewhere down below). You'll need to take it in
> two or three steps before you can reach there so you need the fuel.
> Find the planet Emerald and dock at Mackenzie Relay. Find the bulletin
> board and locate Patricks Exchange. Here they sell Precious Metals for -3000
> credits. Buy as many as you can and fly off to a neighbouring system. Sell
> these precious metals for about 3000 credits. Neat huh?

There are supposedly several systems in the galaxy in which
precious metals and other usually valuable items are either dirt
cheap due to over availability, or are even negative in price (as
in your example) due to them being illegal. It says this much in
the manual, IIRC.

> Oh yeah, if you want more cargo space then buy a ton of Rubbish (or maybe
> it was radioactives) and then hyperspace to another system. Then start
> clicking just below the ton of rubbish (or maybe it was radioactives) and
> you're cargo will start going up. NOTE - Make sure you're flying fast enough
> or you'll destory your ship.

On the other hand, this is a cheat. The above method is an
intentional, "legal" part of gameplay. It's also a cheat that's
only present in certain versions of the game, as it was down to a
bug which got fixed (or at least moved to another part of the
game). The ship-selling "cheat" was also down to a bug- it was
in my early release of the game, but not in my mate's hacked
version, which was obviousy hacked from a later release. Ah, the
joys of going for dinner and leaving something on the mouse
button, then returning to a stupid amount of credits :)

Also, if you start at Barnard's Star and do the "cheap run"
(Water / Grain etc.) for a few trips (not too many), you end up
with enough cash to start larger items- I used to go (IIRC)
Barnard's Star -> Ross 145 -> Sol -> Barnard's Star (via Ross 154
for refuel). Computers, I seem to remember, were quite a bit
more expensive in one than in the others, I think that was the
Sol -> BS leg of the trip, but it's been a while. After a couple
of years (game time, natch) you will have enough to buy a faster
ship, or upgrade your existing one to something more impresive.

Beyond this, don't bother with a Panther Clipper. Nice stats
weapons and cargo wise, but it moves like a dead snail. Try the
imperial ships (you have to go towards the center of the galaxy
for this)- they look very nice, and have decent weapons (one of
them has 6 missile pylons), whilst having a reasonable cargo /
weight ration.

Also- don't use the Hyperspace Cloud Analyser on exit clouds
(blue, I think). Using them on entry clouds, if you want to
follow someone is ok, but exit clouds caused my version to crash
(again, this was fixed in later releases).

Hmmm.... maybe I'll reinstall this later- I haven't played it in

> Simon Preston



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